Renowned Big breasted actress Cha Joo-young (차주영) takes on a provocative and emotionally charged role in the highly anticipated 2025 historical drama The Queen Who Crowns (원경). Set against the backdrop of royal intrigue and tradition, the series explores the queen's determination to conceive a male heir—a critical mission tied to her legacy and status.
The plot delves into the intimate dynamics of her relationship with the king, depicting the lengths she will go to achieve her goals. Key scenes feature the queen embracing traditional beliefs and practices, including the special woman on top (기승위) technique and position designed to ensure the conception of a son. Cha Joo-young’s depiction of these deeply personal moments, including scenes involving sensuality, passion, and the pursuit of orgasm as part of her journey, demonstrates her fearless dedication to her craft. Plus the boldness of full-body nudity of her breasts and nipples in the 기승위 (Giseungwi) position.
With stunning cinematography and a compelling narrative, Cha Joo-young’s portrayal of the queen promises a dramatic exploration of power, desire, and legacy. As the queen navigates the trials of conception, the series thoughtfully examines the intersections of duty and personal longing, offering an intense and raw look at the complexities of royal life.
Cha Joo-young’s fearless performance promises to captivate audiences as they witness her character's journey, making The Queen Who Crowns one of the most talked-about dramas of 2025.
Watch Cha Joo-young's erotic style in performing the 바운스 체위 (Bounce Chewi) sex position until reaching deep orgasms in the MAXXX VIDEOS collection.